Sunday, July 13, 2014

Courtney shared this earlier today....

Do you know what feels absolutely amazing? Being able to drive my car and not having my stomach rubbing up against the steering wheel. The most embarrassing part of that was, if I wore a light colored shirt sometimes the bottom of my shirt would get dirty from the steering wheel. When people would ask what happened to my shirt, I normally made something up because I was embarrassed.
Not anymore! Also, the seatbelt fits perfectly. It doesn't feel like it's choking me anymore. It's little things like this that make it all worth it.
The ingredients in Skinny Fiber:
block 20-30% of all calories eaten from being absorbed by the body
help your body absorb vitamins and minerals
suppresses appetite and help you eat less while still feeling satisfied - it expands 50 TIMES its size in your belly when you drink your water!
block the absorption of fat from the foods you eat
burn fat and boost metabolism naturally - NO JITTERY FEELING...EVER!
flush fat from the colon wall
remove parasites from the intestines (this is often times a cause of weight gain that people never think about!)
Order your Skinny Fiber-

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