Tuesday, August 18, 2015

READ your LABELS!!!!

Mary had been trying to lose weight for years. She is well educated and a registered nurse, but nothing she tried was working.
Unfortunately, every morning Mary was making a BIG mistake. It’s a mistake that so many people make every day—even doctors and nurses like Mary—and it could be making you fat.
Just when she was about to accept being obese for the rest of her life, Mary decided it was time to get REAL... clean eating! . And that’s when everything changed. She lost 27 pounds in just 21 days!
So, what was she doing wrong? Every morning, Mary would wake up and eat low-fat yogurt and a banana for breakfast. …and that was her huge mistake!
Wait…what? Fruit and yogurt are good for you, right?
This nutrition label is from the popular low-fat yogurt Mary ate every morning.
What Is Lurking in this Yogurt?
Mary’s yogurt had a whopping 29 grams of sugar in it! And, while the banana does not have added sugars, the naturally occurring fruit sugars contributed another 17 grams of sugar to her morning meal. That makes a total of 42 grams of sugar for breakfast alone!
42 Grams is as Much as a Soda Pop!
To put things in perspective, the American Heart Association recommends limiting your total sugar intake to 25 grams (or 6 teaspoons) a day. By the time she had finished her yogurt, she was 3 grams over that recommendation. By the time she finished her breakfast, Mary had already consumed nearly TWICE her daily allowance of sugar.
The problem is that what most Americans believe is healthy food—foods such as apple juice, granola bars, smoothies, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter and yogurt (yes, even Greek yogurt) have hidden sugars in them. Of the 60,000 products found in the grocery store, 80% of them are laden with sugar.
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